Collection: The Life and Times of Kai Ari


It all started with raw milk... well, let me back up a little further...Our story started with 97 days of hard time in the NICU...No, that’s still not right, let me back up a little further. The journey actually started with a test that revealed our baby would have a high chance of being born with Down Syndrome and the ridiculous choice, “if we wanted to continue with the pregnancy.” In this moment, we realized just exactly how broken our medical system was. My husband held my face in his hands and asked me, “Does this change how excited we are to have a baby and how loved this baby will be?” And so, our uncertain journey as medical rebels truly began.


My name is Lisa, and I am a Registered Nurse turned renegade. Becoming a Nurse was one of my greatest passions, and I had a strong desire to help others in some of their most difficult times. Psych in particular was where my heart truly was. I can’t even put into words how it intrigued me. But this is where it gets juicy! Here I am working my dream job. I’m taking my patients to the cafeteria, when there, in line, taking his patients to the cafeteria was my future husband...only he didn’t know it yet! Elijah was a tech and ran the addiction recovery unit. He is an army vet of 10 years, with 4 tours under his belt, and man I knew I needed him in my life! Did I mention he was a professional body builder?! All I needed to do was convince him that he needed me in his life lol! 

February 14, 2016, I got his number, and from that moment forward we were inseparable! We took many beach trips, went on lots of hikes in Fredericksburg, and spent time with our 2 kids just getting to know each other! My daughter was 12 and his son was 5. On October 5, 2018, we went to the courthouse and made it official! (little did we know that date would hold a special memory as 3 years later it would also be Kai's birthday!) In 2019, we had our first baby together and life has been like a beautiful dream since. 


2020 brought our little family some hardships, as it did most of the world. We planned to try and start over in Houston, Tx at the start of the year. Our 2 older kids decided they wanted to finish off their school year in San Antonio until we got settled in. Literally 2 weeks in everything shut down bringing us back to San Antonio. Hospitals were not doing interviews at this time, so it took a little while before I found work. Towards the end of the year I was hired at a children’s behavioral hospital, Clarity. I worked here for almost a year, which is when we became pregnant with Kai girl! We knew I was a high-risk pregnancy and in the middle of 2021 the hospital decided they were going to start making CERTAIN things mandatory...if you know what I mean. We both knew this was not an option as we did not want to complicate the pregnancy any further. The obese VP told me this was for “my health”. You seriously can’t make this stuff up lol! This is when we actually gained CLARITY of what the system had become. They fired me and at 31 weeks our precious fighter Kai entered the scene!


Kai Ari’s name means, Warrior, Lion of God, and she has FULLY lived up to this name and grown me and Elijah as parents, and as individuals. She taught us the meaning of strength, perseverance, and going against the flow. Nothing about this little girl is conventional and we wouldn’t have it any other way! She is love, she is joy, and she is nothing short of a miracle! So often I questioned why I even became a nurse. I began to resent everything about it! It seemed as though the field I so desired to work in was one big sham, a field that didn’t actually make people well but dependent on medications and treatments. This was it! Kai was the reason I became a nurse! She enabled us to live out “advocate for your patient!” During this time my faith was tested and grown. God never left our side, and oddly enough we had peace in very unpeaceful circumstances. We were given wisdom and courage to go up against Drs, and discernment in alternative ways of healing Kai. We switched to Raw milk, (which, if you know then you know...if you don’t... you definitely should look into it!). I started making all of Kai’s food and incorporating microgreens and herbs. I even dabbled in soap making! Elijah was on board but not fully with all my herbal endeavors lol, but then...IT HAPPENED!!! Videos about tallow started popping up, and he started listening. Listening turned into curiosity, curiosity turned into dabbling and dabbling turned into...


We started learning and obsessing about this natural way of living! We knew without a shadow of a doubt that we no longer wanted common products with garbage ingredients. Have you ever asked why? Why are we putting ingredients that we can’t even pronounce or are made in a lab on our skin? AKA the largest organ of our body. Why is just about every ingredient simultaneously a carcinogen? Why is the FDA allowing this? Psalm 104:14 says, “He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, AND HERBS FOR THE SERVICE OF MAN.” Every single man-made prescription drug and ointment is mimicking a plant! If you are kind of mind blown right me... I know! Once we made this correlation the game changed.


It is our mission to provide each of you with a cleaner, healthier alternative where herbs are serving your skincare needs. You will know and be able to pronounce every single ingredient and know its purpose in the product! Our desire is to help wake people up to the fact that the FDA and medical system are not our friends! These failed agencies profit themselves while leading everyone to big pharma. Every member of the medical field is NOT bad or deceitful; however, they must fall under hospital protocol. I no longer want to justify this action by saying, “I am just doing my job.” Mamacita (Kai) and The Hamsters (her cute little feet) want to empower and educate you while helping you regain control of you and your family’s health! This enables me to go back to my roots and genuinely help others! 

We truly pray that every product we offer blesses your family in the most meaningful ways. May it nourish your skin, bringing you comfort and care with each use, and may it bring you peace of mind, knowing that everything you're putting on your body is crafted with the utmost love, integrity, and attention to detail. Your well-being is at the heart of everything we do, and we are so grateful to be a part of your journey toward health and happiness. 

Welcome to the Renegade!

 Elijah and Lisa

Psalm 90:17- "And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands."

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